EAA284 History

Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 284 was chartered at Highland County Airport, Hillsboro, Ohio in 1967. Sadly, after a few years it became inactive and dissolved as a chapter. In 1991 several employees of the air cargo carrier Airborne Express (who were EAA members) met at Doug Wright’s home to discuss forming a new EAA chapter at Wilmington, Ohio. Further investigation through EAA National at Oshkosh revealed that it might be easier to reactivate EAA 284 and the decision was promptly made to do just that. Subsequent paperwork was filed and EAA 284 was reactivated in late 1991 with Doug Wright as its President. Finding a permanent home was a bit more trying. In the following months the Chapter met at a Methodist Church in Wilmington and back at the original home of Highland County Airport. Still, no place seemed to offer just the right formula of atmosphere and growth potential. The search for a suitable home continued.  Many of the charter members regularly flew out of a 2500 ft sod airport situated between Dayton and Cincinnati, operated by the Stewart family since 1946. Red Stewart Field (40I)specialized in taildragger instruction and rental, flying in classics such as the Cub, Champ, and Taylorcraft. It was just the kind of strip that reeked old time flying and grassroots aviation. Cub and Cathy Stewart graciously agreed to provide the reactivated EAA 284 a new home worthy of any EAA chapter.


In 1992 we hosted our first event – The EAA 284 Taildragger Fly-In. It has since become a regional favorite of all pilots. We have also restored an Aeronca Champ as part of the rental fleet at Stewart Field. We are proud to be part of a grassroots, barnstorming tradition here at Red Stewart Field and gladly welcome any and all to stop by and visit us.

As a local chapter of the EAA we try to do our part to further the cause of sport aviation and support the folks who support us. In the process we have a lot of fun, and that’s what it’s all about. Come on out and have seat on the “Liars Bench” with us, share a soda and a few tall tales. We’ll listen and don’t be surprised if we laugh. We like to say that we’re: Dedicated to the spirit of aviation past, devoted to the future.
